
Thursday, September 28, 2017

my Autumn poem! (even know it is'nt Autumn)

Autumn is coming in March
Umbrellas are out under the trees as the leaves are falling
Tangoing kids under trees
Under the sun and moon the leaves fall
Moonlight we are asleep in our warm beds

Now the rakes are out

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

braille words

Code  cracking        Braille
.    .
.. .    means hi
..    .
.. .     means go

. .     .
.   .   .

. .     .  means pop

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Eamon raining diamonds

Screenshot 2017-09-11 at 13.00.43.png

It blazed across the sky like a shooting star, lighting up the countryside for miles around, trailing behind it a tail of brilliant blue light. People gazed nervously out of their bedroom windows, marveling
# at the beautiful and mysterious object… people were starting to come out but the first one out was a boy and he was the luckiest one he was able to see you guessed it well maybe not it was a diamond falling straight through the sky and it landed skidding across the grass the dark green grass. The diamond it glimmer's like the brightest light in the whole entire world it nearly blinded him he had to look away for a minute. The tree that was near it fell over. The diamond was dark purple it looked so pretty and beautiful. As more and more people came outside there were hundreds of surprised faces. And more and more and even MORE diamonds fell from the sky it was the best sight in the whole entire world it was amazing. But one person was a scientist he grabbed a forklift then bring it to his laboratory and studied it for a while and it had a virus in it called moctios cotis but then it killed everyone the end. ;)

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

darths dream car

i hope you like my darths dream car story ive used all the good and cool words i can think so hope you read.
Screenshot 2017-08-30 at 13.05.55.pngDarth, like every other villain, had hobbies. Yes, he obviously liked lightsabers and flying around space at catastrophic speeds. He was also fond of trying to eliminate Jedi. However, Darth had a need for speed, and loved nothing more than cruising around in his favourite sports car.

He loved the slick, black tyres, the feeling in the pit of his stomach as he accelerated to great speed along a straight stretch of road. He really could forget all about his troubles, especially those pesky Jedi! He fineally had space to relax and not worry about the death star he was just happy he had a dream car but his eyes kept burning because of the light i did not know the sunlight was strong Darth, like every other villain, had hobbies. Yes, he obviously liked lightsabers and flying around space at catastrophic speeds. He was also fond of trying to eliminate Jedi. However, Darth had a need for speed, and loved nothing more than cruising around in his favourite sports car.
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