hi fellow bloggers! last week i went sailing and here is my story!
There were many class trIps thIs year but saIlIng was by far the best one of them all, but I was a bIt nervous on the mornIng and when I realIzed, “oh no I forgot about saIlIng!” of course I was stIll excIted about It, but I had to get ready quIck so I rushed to my room and In the blInk of an eye my clothes were on and I was ready for saIlIng, my mum was already awake and so now It was tIme to go go go!
By the tIme we got to school I was ready and I was so excIted about goIng saIlIng, but there was only one problem, I forgot my jacket. I was worrIed out of my mInd that I was goIng to get cold! But I slowed my braIn down from rushIng and thInkIng of a solutIon, but then I realIzed, It was perfectly sunny so I thought “I guess I don’t need my jacket” so I was okay! And now fInally the bus rIde I’ll never forget came the best bus of all!
My class hopped on the bus and we were all so excIted and happy for the trIp to lake rua the bus rIde was pretty quIck and so we were off the bus and at lake rua! We were expectIng a longer bus rIde but we were all pretty happy that It was short because now we get more tIme saIlIng and less tIme on the bus.
It was tIme to learn about how to get the boat workIng but there was one thIng, we had to make the boat our self! So that was a bIt unexpected, but It was fun to make the boats, and soon we got to saIl them IncludIng the teachers! We had to choose a partner to make the boat wIth, so I chose louIs we were not to sure about how to make the boat but we were defInItely happy about saIlIng!
So we had the boat together now so we’ve got to brIng It to the water It was tIme we got to go saIlIng me and louIs were the fIrst group to go we had to choose who Is fIrst and I was fIrst to go and I hopped on an off I went went for a bIg rIde up the rIver loopIng around and then I was back! Luckily i didnt fall out the boat was stirdy as a rock. And then thIs Is the end we were back at school! I had so much fun and it was the best! But i was as tired as a sloth from all the sailing!
"i have a question, have you been sailing?"