
Monday, May 21, 2018

the honest truth book

we are starting a new book called the honest truth, and it is about a boy named that runs away

Friday, May 18, 2018

welcome to this blog (it might be far down though)

welcome to the blog this may be a bit far down though I can't control it but anyways...

welcome to this blog I post a lot so... you could come to this blog weekly and ill have something new for you! and again welcome here to this blog!

my math this week

 This is my math work from tuesday io have learnt how to add up big numbers
like 132+132 for example it will equal 264 but then you can go higher with the
  numbers like into the thousands for example 1111+1111 will equal 2222. my
  is i start at the end of the number and add the two numbers together and if they
equal anything over ten then i carry the amount until it is a nine then keep adding the numbers until i get the answer at the end! i found this hard at first but i proggresed.

Friday, May 11, 2018

non chronological report

my bag report (non chronological)
This is a bag for camping for long amouts of times or even just one night.
This bag has specail features like water proof for if your going for a walk and your bag falls of nothing
inside will be damp and it is indistructable.

There were 24 people around the world to trial the bag but they did not go camping they went for a walk
around the block so all the people went to the block and they fell stumbled in puddles and nothing
happened to the bag it was inustructable!

Look it was a bag designied to look good aswell so when you wen in public it would look good and be really

Matierial the bag is made of really nice and srtrong leather and on top it was coated witjh water proof cotton
for landing if you fall so nothing breaks eather.
Cost it will be near nine/eleven dollars for the shoe because of the features and protection.

This all together is called the campomatic 20,000 and is really good probalbly the best camping bag in the
world because who would ever recreate a bag as good as this not to brag or anything like that though.

This bag is a 100/100
this is my non chronological report about my one of a kind bag
. i have been learning how to right a non chron (non chronological) report
. i have learnt that non chron is a made up story like fairy tales
.i found that i strugle with remembering to end with a conclusion and wrighting in third person.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

my art work

                                                                             hi this is Eamon as an artist and if you can see there
                                                                             are words describeing what makes me well just plane